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Hike Panther and Slide Mountains

This hike will combine Panther Mountain (3724’) and Slide Mountain (4185’) in an unusual way. After summiting Panther the typical way from the hairpin, we'll return along the blue trail to the junction with the yellow trail. From there we'll bushwhack up to Slide, attempting to skirt the worst of extremely dense growth. After reaching Slide we'll descend to the Slide parking area via the typical route. Elevation gain 3500+ feet. Shuttle required. This hike is 12+ miles and we expect to be outside for 10 hours – so this hike is rated as difficult.

Hikers should bring lunch, snacks, plenty of water/sports drink, GPS, compass, hiking poles (recommended), gaiters, headlamp, insect repellent, proper clothing, and sturdy hiking shoes. Registration is required for this hike by June 27. To register, contact Marv Freedman at There is a maximum number of 12 hikers for this event, and dogs are permitted with the permission of the hike leader.

Directions: We'll meet at the Slide parking area on Ulster Co. Hwy 47 / Oliverea Rd. This is where our hike will end. We'll leave most cars there and will shuttle to the Giant Ledge parking area to start our hike. To reach the Slide Mountain Parking Area from State Route 28, take Rte. 28 to Big Indian and turn south on Ulster County Route 47. (Big Indian is 30.8 miles west of the Kingston Exit on the NYS Thruway and 4.1 miles east of Highmount.) Take Route 47 9.3 miles to the sign for the parking area on the left.

To reach the Slide Mountain Parking Area from the south, take State Route 55 to Sullivan Co. Hwy 19 (just west of Grahamsville); take Co. Hwy 19 for 4.6 miles and turn left onto Sullivan Co. Hwy 157. Take this road (which becomes Ulster Co. 47) for 11.3 miles and the parking area is on the right.

GPS Coordinates for Slide Mountain Parking Area: 42.00879, -7442783

Additional Information: Meeting place and time, route details, and required gear are subject to change based on weather forecast, trail conditions, etc. Updated information will be provided via email, usually about four days before the hike.

June 13

Vly & Bearpen Mountains (a.m.), Halcott Mountain (p.m.)

June 29

CMC Mini-Golf Fundraiser